This is Our Time
Looking Good, Feeling Great!
How old would I be if I didn’t know how old I am?
What are the secrets of longevity…should I move to Okinawa? How do I maintain a youthful appearance, with or without cosmetic enhancements?
Zumba? Bootcamp? Spinning? Fast walking? Where do I begin?
Kale? Really?? Give me other healthy eating options.
Sleep…All night long? How?
I’m 65, pear shaped and trying to find new clothes…can you help?
What’s Coming up Next? Who am I Now?
I’m retiring soon…what am I going to do tomorrow? Next week?
How do I make my money last when I’m told Boomers live to a ripe old age?
Just got my Medicare card. Yay! How do I use it?
Can I still realize my dreams? What does my life resume look like?
Can I volunteer without thinking I have to save the world?
How do I learn to let loose and play?
Boomer Style!
Face to Facebooking…I need connections!
Suddenly single…how do I begin again?
I’m going to be a Grandparent, didn’t I just have a baby??
Bridge? Mah Jongg? Book Club? Garden Club? What’s right for me?
Needing my girlfriends…the ones who energize, not drain!
Get together with good friends, greet new ones, and join our BOOMER-LIFE community where those of us who are 55+ discover ways to maintain our youth, vitality and zest for life with others seeking the very same!
Check out our full calendar for upcoming gatherings and events. Here’s a sampling of the classes and field trips we’ve held over the past five years.
The Adventures of Traveling Solo
Walk in the Park Fitness
Ways to Stay Where You Are: Aging in Place
Healthy Mindful Meditation
Gifts of Pro Aging
Medicare 101
Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune Tapings
Texas Hold ‘Em Poker
Wisdom Wealth and Wellness
How to Talk to Your Adult Children
Tai Chi in the Park
Staying Safe in Cyberspace
How to Pack Light…Even for a Three Week Trip!