
Join us! There’s so much to talk about and do!


Get together with good friends, greet new ones and join our BOOMER-LIFE community where those of us who are 55+ discover ways to maintain our youth, vitality and zest for life with others seeking the very same!

You’ve heard it everywhere! We Baby Boomers are 76 million strong. We have many years of living ahead. Yet, many of us are in transitions… recently retired, suddenly single, new grandparents…facing unfamiliar territory and looking for answers.

That’s where BOOMER-LIFE comes in! Since 2013 we’ve created a community of programs and resources dedicated to teaching, inspiring and supporting those who want to sail through those transitions. And achieve and maintain vitality, productivity, energy and optimal wellness along the way.

Reimagine the possibilities of what the future holds, through the Boomer years and beyond.


“It's paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.”

— Andy Rooney



Join us for a class, field trip, adventure! Check out our monthly calendar… if the event sounds  fun to  you, join us. 



We love hearing from you! Find us on social media, or send us a note!